
Yearly Monthly Goal and Task planner on Notion

Yearly Monthly Goal and Task planner on Notion


Manage all your Plans, Goals and Tasks in one place

Notion GTD Suite is the fastest, easiest, and most organized way to plan and execute your personal work and tasks

Every template you'll ever need
+30 ready to use and easy to customize templates including πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘‰ Goal Overview Dashboard
Customizable dashboard to help you stay focused on everything

πŸ‘‰ Daily Task Dashboard
Easily customizable, ready-to-use Dashboard with visibility on the progress of each Project and Task

πŸ‘‰ Task Planner
Set timelines, and Prioritize your goals

Notion Goal and Task Planner! is a way of working. NOT pages & templates!
Built based on validated and constantly improving processes to be your recipe for success

"Be the first to claim this at an early bird price.


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